Category: Guest Room
I am rather excited to share this post with you. 🙂 if I could duplicate that smiley face a hundred times without being redundant, that would express my excitement quite well. 😉 So, what started as this: (sorry – ipod pic) gradually turned into this: (after a paint job) and while collecting inspiration pics, I…
I Did It.
Yessirree…I certainly did. Would you like to know what I did? We will play a game…I will show you part of it and you can guess what I did. ok? here you go: hmmm…do you know what that is? well, I got a little head start on my halloween costume. this is my mask.…
$3 Wall Art
Greetings and Salutations. 🙂 So I was in Hobby Lobby last month (looking for pin backs or some such nonsense) and cut through the wall art section to get to the jewelry section when I saw this: Wow. Big. Cool. And one other word popped into my head when I saw the price tag. I…
Guest Room – Inspiration
Happy Monday! I promised I would share some of my ideas for the guest room and so today I will do just that. First of all, here are two pictures that completely inspired me to go for the dark blue paint color: Gotta admit – that color is gorgeous. I love the moody blue and…
The Guest Room – Painted!!!!
A-ha!!! Finally, I am sharing my guest room – only now it’s been painted!!!! Eeeeek!!! I’m so excited about this room’s potential! 🙂 So, I think the last time you saw this room, it looked like this: Pretty, right? 😉 This room will be our guest room and baby boy will sleep here too. There’s…