Category: Spring/Easter
3 Ways I Prepare My Heart for Easter
Easter is my very favorite time of year. As I remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, I’m reminded that lasting hope only comes from Christ. There is so much rest in Him. There are three things I like to do every year to meditate more fully on Jesus and His sacrifice for…
Easter Ideas
Happy Friday! Here are a few of my favorite pins in honor of Easter next week. Most of them are food-centered. {We already discussed this issue last week.} I’m planning to try out a few of these this week. I’m looking forward to making new memories with Anna Grace. She gets so excited about things…
Friday Faves {St. Patrick’s Day!}
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up in 2 weeks! Here’s some inspiration I’ve gathered up from around the web to celebrate the occasion. As always, let’s begin with the most important part: food… {source} Potato candy, anyone? {source} {source} My little girl would looove playing with this homemade dough! {source} How fun would these be…
Easter Hoppenings
I hope you caught my pun in the title of this post. I love a good, corny pun. Here’s an update of our Easter weekend in pics. I love a good sugar cookie recipe. But sometimes you just need to start with a mix. True that. And you can’t have good sugar cookie fun without…
Meditating on the Gospel
Today is Good Friday. While for some, that may just be a meaningless event pre-written on the calendar, it is much more to me. This weekend defines the existence of my entire life. For it is on Good Friday that I remember the truth of my total depravity: “And you were dead in the trespasses and…
Easter Food: Solved
In case you’re still looking for some ideas of food to serve on Easter, I’ve gotcha covered. Food is certainly not the most important part of Easter. Not by a long shot. However, I love to have special foods to celebrate special days. It just makes it more … {can I say it again?} special.…
Flowers for Easter
Happy May! How insane that we are already in the month of May…soon school will be out and summer will be here! 🙂 I love dressing my family in spring colors on Easter. It’s such a happy day celebrating new life and I love to let it show in the colors we wear! I mentioned…
Spring Ideas
Today, I want to share some SPRING happiness with you! I have been browsing the internet for some spring fun and want to share some of my finds with you! There are some things you probably already have all the materials for – or you can use a substitute. 🙂 So, get ready to have…