Category: Holidays

  • Is Jesus Your Reason for the Season?

    Is Jesus Your Reason for the Season?

    For as much as we say Christmas is about Christ and “Jesus is the reason for the season,” we sure do a good job making it about a lot of other things. Here’s how you know if Jesus is your reason for the season:

  • 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Home Feel Like Fall (you’re probably already doing one!)

    Oh fall, beautiful fall! I have held off on calling you my favorite season, because I don’t want to make summer feel left out, and I truly do love you both. But since summer is gone and out of earshot, I’ll just come out and say it: fall, you truly are my favorite season. Here…

  • 3 Ways I Prepare My Heart for Easter

    3 Ways I Prepare My Heart for Easter

    Easter is my very favorite time of year. As I remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, I’m reminded that lasting hope only comes from Christ. There is so much rest in Him. There are three things I like to do every year to meditate more fully on Jesus and His sacrifice for…

  • valentine’s day thoughts + reads

    valentine’s day thoughts + reads

    Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year. And I, for one, am glad. I tend to over-complicate holidays. I build up expectations – whether it’s Christmas, my birthday, or Valentine’s Day – and then I try to compensate for my skyscraper expectations by telling myself it doesn’t matter what happens, it’s just another day, and blahblahblah.…

  • 21 Breakfast Ideas for Your Valentine

    21 Breakfast Ideas for Your Valentine

    Egg in the Basket Heart Biscuits Bacon Hearts Cherry Vanilla Hot Chocolate Chocolate Chip Scones Sweetheart Cinnamon Rolls Pink Yogurt Raspberry Cream Cheese Pan-Crepes Smashed Raspberry and Chocolate Chunk Pancakes Berrylicious Rainbow Smoothie Strawberry Coconut Oatmeal Crunch Pie Strawberry Heart Pancakes Funfetti Pancakes with Vanilla Greek Yogurt Sauce Blueberry Lemon Pancakes Heart Pancakes made with…

  • Valentine Party Recap + recipe

    Valentine Party Recap + recipe

    Well, hey there! Happy Monday to ya! I mentioned Friday that I was hosting a Valentine’s Party for some of my teen girls, so I thought it would be fun to share a little picture recap with you. Here’s the whole area set up: And how about a closer look at those tissue pom poms?…

  • paper heart garland

    paper heart garland

    How about a little paper heart garland action for ya? ONE: create a heart template out of a piece of cardboard or stiff paper. TWO: using the template you just made, trace a heart onto a book page. a while ago, I got this book from a library sale for 25 cents. I know some of you…

  • christmas is for the hurting

    christmas is for the hurting

    I’ve had a hard time with Christmas this year. The lovely home tours that are usually so inspiring to me? I haven’t even looked at most of them. We decorated our home for Christmas, but I only put up about 50% of our stash. The main thing I keep thinking is “I can’t wait until this…

  • chalkboard art, imitation, and husbands

    chalkboard art, imitation, and husbands

    Several months ago, my husband and I built a massive chalkboard for our kitchen. I believe this was the first time I revealed it to the world via social media. The construction of it was quite an adventure. As was the transportation of the large piece of MDF via our car which was already filled…

  • Simple Valentine’s Decor

    Simple Valentine’s Decor

    I’m not usually one to do much for Valentine’s Day. But I’m finding quite a bit more motivation to make holidays special now that my kids are old enough to actually notice things like that. And so this year, I did a little more decorating than just throwing a wreath on the front door. Here’s…

  • Lovely Valentine Inspiration

    Lovely Valentine Inspiration

    Valentine’s Day is 4 days away. At my house, we’re attempting to get & stay healthy {my hubby has been sick with a fever for over a week!}, so I’m not sure how much celebrating we’ll be doing. However, I have done a little decorating for Valentine’s Day {will share a few pics on Wednesday!}…

  • my Christmas in pictures

    my Christmas in pictures

    I hope you all had a merry Christmas? I certainly did. I was so, so excited to spend extra time with my little family! Our Christmas vacation started out a bit rough…landing Nate in the doctor’s office for a sick visit on Christmas Eve! This gave me a whole new appreciation for doctors and nurses…