Category: 2011 Book List
The Bible – Book 12
The final book I completed in 2011 was the Bible. The Bible is such a large book that contains so many stories – stories of new life, death, tragic decisions, beautiful surprising endings, intriguing plots, romantic heroes, despicable kings – and above all, the greatest love story of all time. This book tells about…
Revolutionary Parenting – Book 11
Continuing with my reviews of books I read in 2011… one of the last books I read was Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna. I bought this book in July but wasn’t able to read much of it until the fall. I read most of this book during the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy. It…
Til We Have Faces – Book 10
One of the books I read in 2011 was Til We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis. Actually, to be completely correct, I listened to this book. I was about to go on a 4 hour drive with my little girl and wanted something to listen to while she slept. I checked around for a great…
How I Know God Answers Prayer – Book 9
I recently finished reading Rosalind Goforth’s book, How I Know God Answers Prayer. This book is a personal testimony written by Rosalind Goforth of how the Lord answered her prayers during her family’s time of mission work in China. She details specific accounts of their escape during the Boxer rebellion as well as daily answers…
Book List for 2011 Update
Okay, so it hit me about a week ago that I’ve gotten waaaaaaay behind in doing my regular book reviews. As a result, I still have 4 reviews to post and not enough time to post them before the end of the year. Unless I did a week of nothing-but-book-reviews. But that would be boring.…
Creative Counterpart – Book 8
Okay, I realize I am way behind in my “read 1 book/month” goal for 2011. But the year is not over yet. I still have great plans to read 12 books this year. I may just have to read 2 books/month during these last 2 months. 🙂 All of that aside, I recently finished a…
Lies Young Women Believe – Book 7
Before summer began, I decided to do a book study with the Junior and Senior girls from my youth group. I was looking for a book to do with them and was considering studying Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. But the more I read it, the more I saw that the illustrations and…
Protecting Your Child Through Prayer – Book 6
Well, folks, I was happily going along my merry little blogging way, and realized I forgot to do a book review post last month. Aaannd the month before that. Yeah. Blame it on the pregnancy. I can blame everything on that, right? Yes – but I already talked about that. 😉 Anyway, I have been…