Day 9 :: Built Up

A verse to mediate on:

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,
but only such as is good for building up,
as fits the occasion,
that it may give grace to those who hear.”

~Ephesians 4:29

Does this verse describe your relationship with your spouse?

Do you only speak to your spouse in a way that builds him/her up?

Are your words appropriate for the occasion? Do they give grace?

I don’t know about you, but I have some work to do in this area. Good thing I don’t have to do it alone.

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One response to “Day 9 :: Built Up”

  1. […] Please!! Day 6: Learning Contentment Day 7: Good Medicine Day 8: Excellent Communication Day 9: Built Up Day 10: Seasons of Life Day 11: Who Comes First? Day 12: The “D” Word Day 13: Friend […]