Day 2 :: Building in Vain

A verse for you to meditate on this Sunday:

“Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.”

~ Psalm 127:1


It doesn’t matter how much effort you put into building your marriage… if the Lord is not the one behind all your efforts, all your attempts to improve your marriage are worthless.

Do you have a relationship with this Lord – the only One Who can help you build your marriage?


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6 responses to “Day 2 :: Building in Vain”

  1. Jenna Avatar

    New here, and really excited to follow your series. Though I have a great marriage, I know there is tons of room for improvement. 🙂

  2. […] 1: What to Expect  Day 2: Building in Vain Day 3: Marriage Basics Day 4: A Big Job Day 5: Attention, Please!! Day 6: Day 7: […]

  3. Laura Avatar

    SO true, but it breaks your heart to see your friends struggle and fail with this issue.

    Thanks for making it a top priority, looking forward to the rest of your marriage insights.

  4. Christa Avatar

    Thanks, Laura. Glad to have you!

  5. […] already mentioned (in one of the very first days) that you cannot build your marriage if you don’t start on the foundation of Jesus Christ. […]