Bigger Than You

One of the biggest things the Lord has taught me over the last weeks is this: God’s work is bigger than me.

I want to build on something I mentioned in my last post, specifically this quote:

“Every time I get a message from someone about the way the Lord has used Come to Jesus
to change their heart,
I respond with praise to God because this is bigger than me.”

I know; that seems insanely obvious, right?
Maybe not even worth mentioning?

But I often limit God’s work in my mind. I forget how big it is. I don’t think about the fact that he can use the little I give him and multiply it to fulfill a work that is much, much bigger than me. Let’s make things practical. What does it look like when I forget God’s work is bigger than me? And how do my actions change when I remember this truth?


What does it look like when I forget that God’s work is bigger than me? 

    • I focus exclusively on my work and the value I bring to the world.
    • I get upset when I see others succeeding in an area where I’m failing.
    • I become jealous of any recognition given to others and mad when people don’t notice my efforts.
    • I feel depressed if I can’t output at the same level as others (or a level I used to in the past).


What does it look like when I remember that God’s work is bigger than me?

    • I recognize that God has given me a specific task to perform for his glory.
    • I rejoice when I see others succeeding in the task God has given them to do.
    • I applaud those around me, pointing out their work and encouraging them to be and do all they can for the glory of Christ.
    • I realize that God has given each of us different gifts and different seasons to use those gifts and I take any limitations on my time and resources as gifts from his hand.

God’s work is bigger than you, but by his amazing grace, he can use you in his work! What a privilege to give our lives and resources back to the one who gave them to us.

What has God given you to do?
Your answer could be anything—you could be confined to a bed or CEO of a company.

My reply is the same:
God wants to work through you to produce something that is bigger than you.

He can work through your faithful obedience, whether that is manifested as you joyfully serve your family or patiently respond to a difficult employer.

May we faithfully obey our Creator wherever he’s placed us, remembering that he can use the little we give and multiply it for his glory.


“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much,
and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”
—Luke 16:10



