Baby Basics :: Part 2

On Wednesday, I shared a question from a reader as to what to get for baby. Here are the basics I mentioned:

baby basicsToday, I’ll cover the final 2 categories:

  • Beyond Basics
  • Beyond Buying

So this is where things gets personal as to what we did with our first 2 blessings & plan to do with our third. I know some of you will have different opinions and that’s awesome! I do not consider myself to be the final authority on all things baby.

Beyond Basics:

  1. Carseat: If you live in America, your main mode of transportation is most likely by car {minivan, anyone?}, so yep – that makes one of these a necessity. Personally, I buy my carseats brand new. It’s recommended that you don’t buy a carseat that’s been in an accident, so I choose to buy mine from the store instead of second-handing it.
  2. Stroller: I like to run. Therefore, the best stroller option for me was a jogging stroller. If you like walking/running, I vote that you get a jogging stroller as your stroller. They’re so much easier to manage than a travel system stroller anyway. I’ve bought both my single & double joggers second hand with excellent experiences.
  3. Baby Carrier: In the beginning, my fave use for these was to keep my baby hidden away so people could look with their eyes and not their hands! Wearing my baby kept him/her close to me while still keeping my hands free to do other things. I’ve gotta say – I don’t have one I love. I’ve tried the hotsling & baby bjorn. Although I used them both, neither one was an amazing experience.
  4. “Linens:” It’s nice to have a soft, squishy blanket to wrap baby in or put around him in the stroller. If you choose to swaddle, large & thin blankets are excellent for swaddling. And some type of burpcloth or bib was a must for Nate. He was a projectile spitter-upper and definitely could have won some award for spit-up distance.
  5. Highchair/Bumbo: I have found an invaluable use for some sort of seat for my kiddo to sit in. Especially when they’re still learning how to eat from a spoon. As many stains as my babies gift me with, using a highchair or bumbo while feeding them solid foods has saved my clothes from many a stain. We have a “fisher price space saver” high chair that sits on top of a regular chair. Love it.
  6. Books: Board books with bright colors & fun things to touch are awesome for babies. They will love sitting in your lap and reading from such a young age. This is another great thing to find at yard sales or second hand shops.


I can just picture the virtual tomatoes flying at my virtual head as I type this next section. Good thing we’re virtual.

Understand I’m speaking from my personal experience with 2 kiddos and once again, I’m not a baby expert. When we had our first baby, we lived in a teeny 1 bedroom apartment. That means Anna Grace had no nursery. Which also means there was not a ton of space to store baby gear. So, although I registered for some of this gear, I ended up taking a lot back because we just didn’t have a place to store it all. With that in mind…

Beyond Buying:

  1. Toys: We have bought…hmmm…maybe 7 or 8 toy items for our kids between birthdays and Christmas times. And yet they have a bajillion of them. If you have friends who give you hand-me-downs and loving family members, you will never need to buy a toy in your child’s life. If there’s an amazingly educational toy you want to get, then go for it. I’m seriously not against toys. Just against excess.
  2. Diaper Genie: Nope. A friend of mine with 4 kids recommended I get a lidded trash can and take my trash out daily rather than getting a diaper genie where I have to buy specific liners all the time. I’m ridiculously happy I followed her advice.
  3. Swings/Exersaucers/Jumpers/Vibrators/Bouncers/Etc: After living without them out of a bit of necessity with my first baby, I thought, “Why do I need to get them for my second?” And so I didn’t. It’s saved us money & storage space. Color me pleased.

Gracious. That was a lot of writing. Now, what input do the rest of you Mommas have?

What’s the 1 thing you couldn’t live without for your babies?

Do any of you have a great recommendation for a baby carrier?
Please share – I’m all ears!








3 responses to “Baby Basics :: Part 2”

  1. Michelle McClure Duncan Avatar

    Ergo Baby Carriers are GREAT! I didn’t realize how great it was till I had my second child. It’s a life saver when you need both hands going out with multiple kids! It’s definitely more comfortable to wear than any other baby carrier I’ve tried on! There is a new carrier out called Beco. I’ve heard good things about it too!

  2. brownsugartoast Avatar

    Ooohh, thanks Michelle. I will check into the Ergo carriers!

  3. Diana Still Avatar
    Diana Still

    Ditto on the diaper genie! 🙂

    You might check into the Baby K’tan wrap. It’s knit fabric like a Moby, but you don’t have to wrap it around you–you just slip it over your head and shoulders. Or if you want a more structured carrier that can also go on your back (which I definitely want for the next baby–I can’t wash dishes or load the dishwasher with a baby in front of me!), you could look at the Boba carrier. One of my friends has one and it’s really soft and easy to put on, but structured. Just make sure whatever you get supports the baby’s thighs so he/she can actually sit and not just dangle 🙂