A Thank You to My Church Family

5 years ago, my husband and I packed up our four children and all our belongings and made a big move from the sunny south to New England. This past Sunday, some dear people in our church worked to make a special time of remembering our five years here. They had a box in the foyer where they encouraged people to write thank you notes. When I saw that box I thought, “Well goodness, I want to write a thank you note to them!”

And so I did. And I got to read it to them last Sunday. But I want you to know how special they are, and I want you to read about the good work my good God has done in my heart over the last five years, so I’m going to share it with you too.

The LORD is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works (Psalm 145:17).

I never wanted to move to New Hampshire. I knew it wasn’t the end of the earth, but I’ve always lived in and loved warm climates. I know God wants me to pray about my desires, and so I began asking God to let our family stay somewhere that was warm.

5 ½ years ago, three members from Trinity came to visit my family in Virginia and talk with us about the ministry here in New Hampshire. We were sitting together after lunch when they slid a gift across our kitchen table. As Jonathan pulled a bottle of maple syrup out of the bag, I saw the words “New Hampshire” emblazoned on the side and started crying. I remember thinking (as I tried to hide my face behind Jonathan’s shoulder), “I am a fearful sheep.”

You know how the story ends, but I want to share a few reasons why I’m grateful God didn’t answer my prayer to stay in the South. 

Here are some things I love about you, my church family:

Your genuine friendliness

You defy the stereotypical personality given to people in New England. You’re not harsh and cold, but have always been warm and friendly, to my family and to new people God brings into our church.


Your acceptance of me and my family in all our ordinary real-ness

I have vivid memories of our first very rainy night here. I drove up with our four kids and Jonathan was several hours behind in the moving van. One of my kids was feeling nauseous the entire 12-hour trip. It was shortly after my kids and I arrived at our new house that I heard a knock at the door—two men had driven all the way over to help unload our nonexistent truck and I hastily met them and tried to express a quick thanks before running back into the bathroom to help my sick child. I remember thinking, “Here we are—the most ordinary people ever!” Through the grace of God and your kindness, I have never felt a pressure to be perfect. Although I want to strive for holiness, I know I’m a sinner in need of grace who would be dead if it weren’t for the lifesaving work of Christ. And I’m thankful that as a body, we can work together to keep this truth in the forefront of our minds!


But my favorite thing about you is your commitment to follow Christ

One of the main things that Jonathan and I asked God for was that He would lead us to minister among a group of people who were hungry for the Word and willing to change. I also asked Him for at least one godly older woman so that I could learn from her example. God is able to do exceedingly above all that we could ask or think!

It is one of my greatest privileges to worship and serve among you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I read in Scripture that “all things work together for good to those who love God” but I get to see you live it out. You teach me by your example what it means to trust God in the unknown, to live joyfully through trials, and to be faithful to church even when it’s inconvenient. It has been said that through prayer God gives us what we would have asked for if we knew everything He knows.

New Hampshire is genuinely beautiful, but you all are the real reason I love it. 

P.S. I would also like to add that one of my VERY favorite reasons I love my church is because they have an incredibly awesome pastor. Humble, kind, a serious student of the Word, an effective communicator…and did I mention he’s insanely handsome? All the heart-eyes for my Jonathan. 




