A Hero

Thank you all for the kind words you shared at the passing of my sweet Pop.

I was able to attend the funeral last week (& shared a picture on my facebook page). It was an emotional and yet beautiful day.

I printed & framed the picture of Grammy & Pop holding hands and gave it to Grammy at the funeral. She clapped her hands and was so excited.

Here’s my sweet Grammy after the funeral (both pics below taken with my phone) – she kept staring at and rubbing the edge of the picture.

My sister snapped this picture of Grammy and I:

After the funeral, I was talking with Grammy about the picture – pointing out whose fingers were whose and showing her Pop’s wedding band. She was telling me about what a good man she married and how godly he was.

She suddenly looked up at me and said, “What am I going to do?”

I replied, “Well, you will live in the same place with your friends nearby. You have Jesus with you now and someday, you’ll live in heaven with Jesus and Pop forever and ever.”

“I think I can do that.”


What sweet love and trust. She’s my hero.





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5 responses to “A Hero”

  1. Becky Avatar


  2. Abby Avatar

    I am sorry for your loss. I remember what it was like when I lost my grandfather and watching my grandmother make the adjustment to her new life.


  3. Christina Avatar

    precious, Christa! tearing up. what a great gift that was to your Grandma.

  4. Sarah Avatar

    Love. So much to learn! What a great example.

  5. Chelo Beazley Avatar

    Dear Christa,
    This is precious. I know you will miss your grandfather. Praying for you and your family.
    Love ya!