A few o’ my fave things…

So……….Nester is having a little linky love over at her place and the subject is favorite things under $30. Here are some of mine:

Do  you know what this lovely is? It’s a peppermint mocha frappuccino from good old fourbucks. I mean Starbucks. I love them. My fave is the mocha. It’s just a good standby. But the salted caramel mocha they had this fall? Yow. Delicious. And this peppermint mocha? Fabuloso.


And one thing that shows up in about half my pics:

This is my Intak bottle by Thermos. I like it because the top is covered. And because it has this little lock thing on it. As of this moment, my daughter has not figured out how to open it. That’s good. 🙂


And you know I can’t talk about favorites without bringin’ in some of this:


Oh yes. Need I say more? Well, I will. My hubby bought me a bag of these the week after I gave birth. What a nice man he is. I wasn’t impressed, though, to read one of my promises. Something about “let your sensuousness shine through” blahblahblah.

Really? I just had a baby. Come on, dove people. Sensor your promises, will ya?


On the complete other end of the health spectrum…


Have you tried these? They’re good. I kid you not. They taste pretty good, but I think knowing all those good-for-me green veggies and fruits are in there makes it taste even better. Stocking stuffer idea anyone?

Something I use every day…I really like this face wash. The little “scrublet” that comes with it is cute ;), feels great on my face, and definitely makes my skin feel smooth and soft. Win.

I have this shirt…just not in this color:

Mine is striped. And I love it. It’s long enough to cover all needed areas. And it’s $12. Not a steal, but not too shabby either. I happened to grab it up when it was on a one-day deal for $8. And I had a $5 coupon. So it was $3. Don’t hate.

And last but not least:

These are my favorite socks to use when I’m running. I used to always get blisters when I ran…but with these things I’m pretty much blister-free. My hubby and I each got a pair during some race we ran a couple years ago. I’ve been borrowing his pair for 2 years. They’re a size large, but they still work better than any of my other socks. Love ’em.

So, that’s the end of my list. I mean, I could go on. But I won’t. I do have about a billion more food items I could add, though. 😉 (hello nutella?!?!?!?)

How about you? What are your favorite things for under $30?







5 responses to “A few o’ my fave things…”

  1. Mary @ Redo 101 Avatar

    You don’t have to ask mine … cuz you know it’s anything chocolate 🙂


  2. Susie Davis Avatar

    Nutella is divine. Uber treat.

  3. Laine Avatar

    Never had one of those peppermint mochas but it looks amazing! And yeah, nutella is wonderful stuff. YUM!

  4. Melanie Avatar

    Love your list!!! So nice to ‘meet’ you today! I blog at “Only A Breath” and would love for you to stop by and visit 🙂


  5. Christa Avatar

    Thanks, Melanie! Nice to meet you too! I love your blog design – way to go in making it a business!