31 Day Simplify Series :: A Danger in Simplifying {day 29}

Simplify 300

Did you know there’s a danger in Simplifying? Yep. it’s true.

Because sometimes, without even totally realizing it, you can start to think that simplicity is the most important thing in the world. Ever. Infinity.
And then you pursue simplicity before other things.

You begin to think about simplicity more than more important things.

Maybe you even start to look down on people who are the opposite of simplicity.

Ask me. I’ve been doing this dingaling simplify series for 29 days in a row.

don't worship it

As humans, we’re going to worship something. Usually several somethings. But as children of God, we’re called to worship Jesus.

Simplicity is a good thing. But it’s not worth our worship.
Only Jesus deserves that.

This post is part of the 31 day Simplify Series.
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 Simplify Series // a 31 day journey via BrownSugarToast.com



