8 books i'm currently reading - great book suggestions here!

8 books I’m currently reading

8 books i'm currently reading - great book suggestions here!

If you follow me on instagram, you probably noticed that Jonathan has been away this week for his seminary classes. My kids and I are heading to be with him this weekend {yahoo!}, so I’ve begun packing for the trip.

Yeah right.
I still have a solid 42 hours before I need to leave. I haven’t packed a stitch of clothing for any of us. I have, however, set aside a nice stack of books to bring along for the journey. I always have great visions of reading large amounts of material while away and this usually amounts to just that – a vision instead of reality.

However, I will make some time to read and want to be prepared when the moment arrives. Here are 8 books I’m currently reading:

1. Seven Women & the Secret of Their Greatness
I grabbed this book off the new non-fiction section in the library. I’m only 3 women in, but I’ve been loving it so far. Historical, motivational, and well-written, this is a new favorite. I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction in which Eric Metaxas explains why he wrote the book, how he came to pick the 7 women, and how men and women differ.

2. The Accidental Creative
I’ve barely begun this book, but have been gleaning helpful + thoughtful tips from the author’s podcast, so I tossed this into my excessively large library bag and went on my merry way.

3. The Valley of Vision
I mentioned this book in the list of 10 books I want to read and have been working through it slowly for the past couple months. A collection of Puritan Prayers, I find this book a worshipful way to either begin or end my Bible reading time.

4. Little House in the Big Woods
Anna Grace and I have listened to this book already, but I recently got both the print and audio version from our library in preparation for our time away. A classic read indeed.

5. #Struggles following Jesus in a selfie-centered world
I just started reading this book yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, I only have the first 2 chapters because the book came in a sampler pack of some new releases. Despite my limited copy, I spent an hour yesterday working through 1 chapter because I had to stop so frequently to pray through the things I was reading. If you use social media, this book is worth reading.
Side note: I am increasingly struck by how well James 3:13-18 applies to social media. Check it out. 

6. Bird by Bird : some instructions on writing and life
I have seen this book recommended multiple times as a “must read” for writers. Although I’m only a couple chapters in, I have found many of her points resonating with me. I suppose that means I’m a writer. This is a fact I still have a hard time acknowledging.

7. 1, 2, & 3 John
I’m still going through this study because
1) I took time away to go through a ladies’ Bible study group with my church &
2) I go through it slowly.
I’m loving it. On 2 John now and really enjoying finding similarities between 1 & 2 John. You would think I’d get this by now, but I’m constantly amazed at how applicable God’s Word is to my every day life. One of the themes of these books is loving others; this post was partially born out of my study of the 3 Johns.

8. Word-Filled Women’s Ministry loving and serving the church
This book is edited by Kathleen Nielson & Gloria Furman (author of The Pastor’s Wife and Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full). Since I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Furman’s books in the past, I had this one on my to-read list before it even came out. I’m listening to the audiobook version via my library. I just finished a section on discipling and definitely want to either read or re-listen to it, especially to write down some of the recommended resources.

So that’s it for me. 8 books I’m currently reading!
How about you? What have you been reading lately?

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