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31 Day Simplify Series :: Limit {day 24}

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Limit. It sounds so … limiting … doesn’t it? It’s not a very popular concept. Because when you limit yourself, you’re actually saying the dirty little “N-O” word to yourself. And that’s not something we’re keen on doing, is it? {“keen” is an excellent word, by the way}

But without limits, you have excess.

Which is why you need a purpose for your home. So you can know what to limit.

Limiting the things I bring into my home is a relatively new thought for me. It’s a great concept to think about, but it’s not super easy to do. However, here’s one way I’m trying to stay on top of it:

Make a list of wants/needs.
Don’t buy anything unless it’s on that list.

Do you know what? That’s a really hard thing to do. I mean, the making a list part is pretty easy. I’ve been looking for a chair and lamp for my master bedroom, so that’s on the list. I also want to get some patterned sheets for my bed, so that’s on there too. Making a list forces me to think through my purchases before I make them.

Here’s where the list comes in handy: when I spy an amazing clearance section and I see something I want to buy – STOP! – is it on the list? If not, I probably don’t need it. So I pass.

A few weeks ago, I was getting some things at Target when I saw this toilet topper basket. And I was all, “This is what I need!! This would be absolutely perfect! And it’s not a bad price!”

And then something my Dad used to ask me popped into my head,

“Did I need this before I saw it?”

Admittedly, I never understood that when I was younger. But I had a lightbulb moment in the Target aisle and I did, in fact, put the toilet topper basket back on the shelf.

So limits. Do you have them? The best way to start is by figuring out your home’s purpose. Limits make life & home much easier!

This post is part of the 31 day Simplify Series.
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