31 Day Simplify Series :: Counter Real Estate {day 18}

Simplify 300

Since we’ve been talking about simplifying meals lately, I wanted to share some kitchen pictures.

I stumbled upon this house a couple weeks ago.

The front door is what really drew me in.


In fact, I shared the above picture on facebook and many of you loved it too!

But this picture just reeled me in even further.


And this.
Guys. THIS.


Can we please just have a moment of silence over the beautiful almost-completely-empty countertop?


okay. moment of silence over.

I really love those inspiration pictures above, don’t you?  One of the things that makes it so lovely is the empty counters.

Think about it. What’s taking up real estate on your counters right now? Like – right now, not in 5 minutes after you’ve cleaned everything off.

Mine? hmm…several kids’ books, my little girl’s art papers, the immersion blender I didn’t put away, a large jar of granola, etc.

How about yours?

Let’s do something together, okay?
Let’s clean off our counters. If you have room in your cabinets and it’s not insanely inconvenient, see if you can move your appliances under there too. Live with it for a week. Then decide whether you should keep them out or not.

Several months ago, I moved my stand mixer and toaster under the cabinets. Because I realized we don’t use them often enough to warrant their taking up valuable counter real estate. Is it a pain to get my stand mixer out from under the cabinet when I want to use it? Why yes. Yes, it is.

BUT. It’s worth it.

Nobody was putting a gun to my head forcing me to move my mixer under my cabinet. I chose to have a very minor inconvenience in exchange for a clean countertop.

So. Consider the same for your home. Will it be an inconvenience to move things off your counter? Yes.
Will it be worth it? I’m saying yes.
Try it and let me know!

This post is part of the 31 day Simplify Series.
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 Simplify Series // a 31 day journey via BrownSugarToast.com



