1 link i love

Usually, I use Fridays to share 5 links I love from the past week. But this week, I have 1 link I really love. And I want you to check it out and not get side-tracked by the other 4 links. So, I decided to pare things down and only share this one.

10 Excellent Questions to Ask in the New Year

I came across this article on Sunday and have been mulling over it all week. There are 10 excellent, thought-provoking questions to ask yourself this year.
I highly recommend reading through these and prayerfully answering them. It’s been so helpful for me, so I immediately wanted to share it with you.

Have an inspired weekend!



2 responses to “1 link i love”

  1. Some great things to ponder and some wonderful prompts for my new journal. thanks for sharing.

  2. great idea to write down your answers, Beth.